Partage d'intérêts mathématiques
Partage d’intérêts mathématiques Cette page est un moyen d'encourager des interactions en partageant des centres d'intérêt mathématiques.Si vous voulez que certains de vos sujets d'étude actuels apparaissent dans la liste ci-dessous, merci de remplir ce formulaire. Si vous ne pouvez pas accéder au formulaire, merci d’envoyer les informations requises à Christine Lescop.(Si vous n’avez pas de site internet, vous pouvez préalablement créer un lien sur le site de l’école comme suit.Soumettez une « shared presentation » surélectionnez le type « shared presentation » et suivez les instructions en insérant un résumé et quelques fichiers pdf si vous le souhaitez. Le lien sur vos documents s’obtient en cliquant sur le lien bleu à la fin du procédé.)Attention, la mise à jour de cette liste peut prendre quelques jours.
AUDOUX Benjamin, Knot theory, Knotted surfaces, Welded links, Quantum codes (from the homological point of view) BAIS Valentina, Constructions of exotic 4-manifolds with infinite cyclic fundamental group and exotic non-orientable 4-manifolds BENYAHIA Younes, In general, 4-manifolds topology. In particular, exotically knotted surfaces in 4-manifolds. BOHM Remy, 4-manifolds, knotted surfaces BREJEVS Vitalijs, Smooth and contact 3-manifolds, slice–ribbon conjecture, mapping class groups of surfaces, symmetric unions CIGNA Alessandro, 3-manifolds, Thurston norm, shape of Thurston ball, taut foliations DU Alan, 3-manifolds, Heegaard Floer invariants, surgery, Khovanov homology EL-KHALF Kaoutar, Harmonic analysis, Orthogonal Polynomials GOPAL Abhishek, Low-dimensional topology, link homologies, and hyperbolic geometry GRAFF Emmanuel, Knot theory, Link-homotopy, Braid group, Clasper, Welded Braid KELOMÄKI Tuomas, Knot theory, Khovanov homology, combinatorics and algorithms KOHLI Ben-Michael, Knot theory, interactions between classical and quantum link invariants. KOHN Michael, Khovanov homology, knot homologies, algorithmic/computational aspects of low dimensional topology KUHRMAN Judson, knotted surfaces, explicit descriptions of 4-manifolds LEE Jaewon, rationally slice knots and involutive Heegaard Floer homology LESCOP Christine, Knot and 3-manifold invariants counting graph configurations MALECH Oliviero, Low dimensional topology, Surfaces in 4-manifolds and stabilizations, Exotica MANDIN-HUBLÉ Yohan, 3-manifold invariants counting graph configurations, 4-manifolds, knot theory MARTCHENKOV Daniel, Knot Theory, The Alexander Polynomial, Computation MASBAUM Gregor, Quantum Topology MASSUYEAU Gwénaël, Low-dimensional topology (3-manifolds, mapping class groups), quantum topology (finite-type invariants, TQFT) MEILHAN Jean-Baptiste, Knot theory, surfaces in 4-space, 3 manifolds and mapping class group PAUL Arijit, Low-dimensional topology, Heegaard and Knot Floer homologies, Khovanov Homology, TQFTs QUEFFELEC Hoel, Categorification; Khovanov-Seidel braid representation; Artin-Tits groups; Knot theory. RAY Arunima, 4-manifolds, knot and link concordance, high-dimensional topological manifolds REN Qiuyu, 4-manifolds, exotica, knots, Khovanov homology ŞAVK, Oğuz, 3- and 4-manifolds, homology cobordism, and knot concordance SHAH Pamela, Knot theory, Khovanov homology and the Jones polynomial SIMON Christopher-Lloyd, Curves in Surfaces, Intersection pairings, Character varieties of surface groups, Geometric group theory, Mapping class groups, Combinatorics of chord diagrams. (canceled) SORYA Patricia, Knot theory, Dehn surgery, Heegaard Floer homology WAKELIN Laura, Dehn surgery, characterising slopes, hyperbolic 3-manifolds, RBG links, multisections of 4-manifolds WISSE Maartje, Knot Homologies, knot theory, low-dimensional topology
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