Other practical information

 We thank all participants for responding to  the satisfaction survey

(preferably online using the link above, otherwise by filling out one of the .doc or .pdf files and sending it by email to Christine Lescop).


All lectures will take place at Institut Fourier in Amphithéâtre Chabauty.

The organizers will welcome participants from 8:30 a.m. on Monday mornings. They will ask them to sign the attendance sheet and will give them a badge, a welcome folder, a cup and a cup holder. They will comment on the information below and add more at 9:15 a.m. in the Chabauty amphitheater.

Access to the building:

Institut Fourier is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday. Please wear your badge inside!

After 7 p.m., the main automatic entry and the door next to the amphitheater are the only exits.

No one is allowed to stay in the building after 9 p.m. (The alarm system is activated.)

We close the amphitheater after the last talk of the morning. We reopen it at 1.30 p.m.

Participants may use rooms 14, 15, and 17 to work on the main lectures together. They may use Room 18 for other discussions. These rooms are near the main amphitheater. They are open when the main building is open.

Internet access and computer access:

In addition to possible access to the eduroam network, participants will benefit from an individual visitor wifi account. They will find their personal account information in their welcome folder, in theyour visitor account usage” document.

Please note that this account cannot be used simultaneously on several devices.

WIFI coverage: ground floor of the Institut Fourier, Chabauty lecture room, computer room and corridors - Wifi service activated 24 hours a day (wifi-campus).

Participants will also have access to the Carisme computer room (between Room 6 and Amphi Chabauty) from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. No printer.

Information for connecting to the computers can be found in the welcome folder.


Participants with their badges have access to the library during its opening hours from 8.30a.m. to 5p.m. from Monday to Friday.

A photocopy card is available at the library reception.


When registering, the purchase of university restaurant tickets for lunches from Monday to Friday was offered at the unit price of 10.60 euros (53€/week).

Lunches (starter, main course, dessert and coffee) will take place in the Diderot university refectory located on the campus. Please present your meal tickets contained in your package tothe refectory cashier. A ticket entitles you to 6 points, a piece of bread, and a coffee, with the following restrictions on the use of the 6 points:

The typical formula is a starter at 1 point, a main course at 4 points, and a dessert at 1 point. You can only adjust it by taking two starters at one point and one main course at 4 points, or two desserts at one point and one main course at 4 points. You cannot take 3-point pastries, nor reduce a 4-point dish to 3 points by modifying it, nor combine starters/desserts to compensate for a dish. We are sorry.

Otherwise, you can have snacks in campus cafeterias (sandwich, panini, salad). Payment can be done by cash or by credit card.

Social times:

Registration includes, in addition to the school itself, accommodation in a university room if requested, daily coffee breaks, a weekly buffet dinner, and a hike during the first weekend… if the weather permits.

Hot or refreshingdrinks:

We will not use disposable tableware during buffets and breaks.
Participants should use a personal cup for drinks. They should take care of their cup during their stay.

The organizers can lend one Fourier Institute ecocup customizable with a label and one cup holder upon request.

Registration is closed since May 10th, 2024.

In case of cancellation, refunding is not be possible. Nevertheless, we thank you in advance to inform the organizers.

More on the buffets:

Since there are a lot of us at the buffets, we have to follow a few rules.
There will be three types of tables.

1. Tables with clean dishes and food.

2. Tables where plates or glasses in use can be placed. (Please help us install them and then put them back.)

3. Tables intended for dirty dishes (glasses, plates and cutlery which will no longer be used), empty bottles and waste.

On these tables, dirty plates must be stacked by size, after having been emptied into the “déchets non-recyclables/non-recyclable waste” bin or into an identified container nearby.

The glasses must be stored right side up in the dedicated boxes.

Please do not place used dishes and trash on the tables with clean dishes and food.

The metal capsules go into the “déchets recyclables/recyclable waste” bin.

Thanks for your help!


Buffet froid du 3 juillet :


Buffet d’entrées :

Salade de légumes verts (vegan, gluten-free)

Taboulé des incas (quinoa, tomates, olives) aux herbes fraiches et au citron (vegan, gluten-free)

Salade de riz façon niçoise (vegan)

Tapenade d’olives vertes (vegan, gluten-free)

Caviar de tomates concassées au basilic accompagnées de croûtons (vegan, gluten-free)

accompagné de croûtons


Plats froids :

Aiguillettes de poulet marinées au citron, thym et miel (gluten-free)

Mousseline de poisson aux herbes et sa sauce vierge (gluten-free)

Terrine de légumes de saison (vegan, gluten-free (maïzena))


Assortiment de fromages régionaux tels que : Meule de Savoie, Reblochon fermier, Tomme de Savoie, beaufort, tommettes de chèvre, bleu du Vercors, St Marcellin etc.


Buffet de Desserts :

Salade de fruits de saison (vegan, gluten-free)

Tarte aux fraises

Tiramisu aux framboises


Please complete the satisfaction survey at the end of your stay!

(preferably online using the link above, otherwise by filling out one of the .doc or .pdf files and sending it by email to Christine Lescop.)



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