Khovanov homology of positive links
Naageswaran Manikandan  1, 2@  , Marc Kegel  1  , Marithania Silvero  3  , Leo Mousseau  1  
1 : Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
2 : Berlin Mathematical School
3 : Dpto. de Matemáticas - Facultad Ciencia y Tecnología

In this talk, we will discuss a new obstructions for positivity of links coming from Khovanov homology. More concretely, the first Khovanov homology for positive links is supported in a single quantum grading. Additionally, this first Khovanov homology also vanishes if and only if the link is also fibered.

This talk is based on collaborative work with M. Kegel, L. Mousseau, and M. Silvero, available at

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